Get Rest, Jesus, Christ, God, HolySpirit, Christian, Bible, WordofGod, Scripture, Biblestudy, Spiritualgrowth, Pray, Prayer, Faith, Truth, Peace, Rest, Joy, Freedom, Grace, Encouragement, Hope, InHisPresence, Godspresence

Get Rest

One dictionary definition of rest is to cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep or recover strength.  The Bible speaks of different levels or deepness of rest.  From physical and mental rest, the outer level, to the deeper level of rest in God.  So, what does the Word of God teach us about rest?  Read more

Jesus, Christ, God, HolySpirit, Christian, Bible, WordofGod, Scripture, Biblestudy, Spiritualgrowth, Pray, Prayer, Faith, Truth, Peace, Rest, Joy, Freedom, Grace, Encouragement, Hope, InHisPresence, Godspresence

Find Favour with God

Often today people use the term ‘favour of God’ as a means to gain material, emotional, spiritual and other tangible blessings from God.

The dictionary defines favour as goodwill, held in esteem, act of kindness, good turn, in support of, give preference to, meet with approval, help, aid, assist, promote, benefit, receive a gift.
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Jesus, Christ, God, HolySpirit, Christian, Bible, WordofGod, Scripture, Biblestudy, Spiritualgrowth, Pray, Prayer, Faith, Truth, Peace, Rest, Joy, Freedom, Grace, Encouragement, Hope, InHisPresence, Godspresence

Audacious Prayer

What is audacious prayer?

Audacious means daring, big, bold, brave, fearless or courageous. Audacious prayer is a prayer for rain to stop and start (Elijah), sun to stand still (Joshua), life to be restored (Elisha), sick to be healed (Peter), show me your glory (Moses), defend the weak and the fatherless upholding the cause of the poor and the oppressed (Asaph), a child to be born (Hannah), bless me (Jabez), etc. Read more

Jesus, Christ, God, HolySpirit, Christian, Bible, WordofGod, Scripture, Biblestudy, Spiritualgrowth, Pray, Prayer, Faith, Truth, Peace, Rest, Joy, Freedom, Grace, Encouragement, Hope, InHisPresence, Godspresence

At the Appointed Time

Appointed time

Psalm 102:13 (GW) “You will rise and have compassion on Zion, because it is time to grant a favour to it. Indeed, the appointed time has come.”
According to the Collins dictionary “If something happens at the appointed time, it happens at the time that was decided in advance.” Read more

Jesus, Christ, God, HolySpirit, Christian, Bible, WordofGod, Scripture, Biblestudy, Spiritualgrowth, Pray, Prayer, Faith, Truth, Peace, Rest, Joy, Freedom, Grace, Encouragement, Hope, InHisPresence, Godspresence

The Joy of the Lord

Nehemiah 8:10 (NIV) “ for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

The original Hebrew for joy in Nehemiah 8:10 is “chedvah,” meaning joy or gladness. The root word for joy in this context means to rejoice or to make glad. Strength in the same verse is a Hebrew word meaning a place or means of safety, protection refuge, or stronghold. The root word of strength means to be strong, prevail; to make firm, strengthen. Read more

Jesus, Christ, God, HolySpirit, Christian, Bible, WordofGod, Scripture, Biblestudy, Spiritualgrowth, Pray, Prayer, Faith, Truth, Peace, Rest, Joy, Freedom, Grace, Encouragement, Hope, InHisPresence, Godspresence

El Roi – The God Who Sees Me

El Roi means “the God who sees me.” El refers to God and Ro’iy in the original Hebrew that can be translated as seeing, looking or gazing.

When we feel most invisible and forgotten by everyone else, we can remember that God does see us. He witnesses our struggles, He knows our name, He knows our situation and our needs and He is there for us.

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Jesus, Christ, God, HolySpirit, Christian, Bible, WordofGod, Scripture, Biblestudy, Spiritualgrowth, Pray, Prayer, Faith, Truth, Peace, Rest, Joy, Freedom, Grace, Encouragement, Hope, InHisPresence, Godspresence

My Inner Garden

Inner garden

In the beginning God created the Garden of Eden.  He placed man and woman in the garden and in the cool of the day He moved among the trees of the garden (Genesis 3:8).  Our inner life with God is like the Garden of Eden.  It is our inner garden.  A place where the Spirit of the God lives and we can ‘meet’ continually. Read more